“The most essential success fuel for entrepreneurs is tough love — and Andreas certainly doesn’t hold back or beat around the bush.”
— Abdullah Snobar, CEO, DMZ Ventures
One shiny exit
One supernova implosion
A thousand jagged edges
A million raw lessons
Zero filters
“This man has been the most incisive, clear, blunt and non ‘vanilla’ hand-holder through my entire entrepreneurial journey.”
— Adam Minster, CEO, Food Dudes Restaurant Group
Globally recognized Canadian social innovator — once called ‘Canada’s Chief Gamification Officer’ for having figured out how to nudge on a mass scale.
Creator of the world’s first national wellness promotion platform, the once hugely popular Carrot Rewards app.
Founder of Green Rewards, the world’s first environmental lifestyle incentive program.
Prolific, unconventional and outspoken supporter of global wellness, inclusion, diversity, climate action and social entrepreneurship.
“You can’t learn within your comfort zone. Andreas has a unique ability to free you from it. You may not always like what he recommends, but I guarantee it will be original and thought-provoking.”
— Daniel Bernhard, CEO, Institute for Canadian Citizenship
“I am different. I have always been different. I grew up scared of being found out, scared of my natural inability to fit in, to conform, to look and sound and dress and behave ‘normal.’ I was always drawn to the different ones and I observed them with fascination — but the thought of being even a little bit like them mortified me. I was desperate to fit in.…”
“Andreas will shake you, maybe even break you a bit. And you’ll be much better for it.”
— Devin Golets, CEO, Tailwind
“Don’t go near this guy if all you need is conventional guidance and a polite sounding board!”
— Jon Lam, CFO, Windmill Microlending